Two Friends and the Bear story with Moral Once upon a time, there were two friends who lived in a village. They were very close and often went on walks together in the nearby forest. One day, as they were walking, they stumbled upon a bear. The bear was angry and started chasing after them. The first friend, who was very fast, quickly climbed up a tree to escape the bear. The second friend, who was not as fast, started running in the opposite direction. When the bear caught up to the second friend, it asked why he was running away when his friend had escaped by climbing a tree. The second friend replied, "I may not be as fast as my friend, but I have a different skill that I can use to save myself." The second friend then proceeded to use his wit and resourcefulness to trick the bear and escape. The first friend, who was still safely perched in the tree, realized that his friend had used his wit and resourcefulness to escape the bear and was filled with regret for not using ...