Moral: Always do your work on time
School bell rings. All the children rush to their class rooms. Teacher came to the class room. All students stand up. Say good morning teacher and teacher said sit-down all students then teacher asked to show their home work. Bring your copies all student show their copies but Maria did not show her work. Teacher asked the reason. She told, she wasted her time in watching TV. Teacher said to Maria tomorrow you will write your work two times as punishment. Maria friend Alia was a good girl and always does her work on time. Alia always advised to Maria don’t waste your time and do your work on time but Maria did not listen his friend and said she will do next day and carry on his attitude and final exam schedule announced and now Maria start his study but time is too short to complete his exam preparation. When final exam result announced. Maria was failed and Alia got first position.
Moral: Always do your work on time
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