A FISHERMAN AND SON STORY A little boy and his family lived near a lack. One evening he was very sad. His father was a fisherman. Boy and his father went for fishing in small boat near Village River. They spend all the day in water but could not catch even a small fish. He was praying for help on the way to his home. He found an old man. He seems to be hungry. Old man asked for something to eat. By chance the boy had some piece of cake. His mother gave him for lunch. The boy gave that cake to hungry old man. Old man suddenly changes into a beautiful fairy. She asked him for any wish. Boy wish for gold box. The wish was fulfill by fairy and gave him a full of gold box. She gave him a box and said to speak always truth. She told if he will speak lie. The box will become empty. If he will speak truth, the box will fill with gold. The boy made promise to speak truth, after this he and his family live happily.